Animal cancer support

Helping owners, vets and pets







Welcome to the Animal Cancer Trust

NEWS: Check out our lovely new ACT apparel for sale at

This is the place for owners of pets experiencing cancer to find resources on diagnosis, treatment, veterinary services and owner stories.

We provide information and support to help you understand what to expect and what you can do to find the information you need so your pet can get the best care possible.

If you are looking for animal cancer support, we are here to help. If you cannot find what you need, contact us by phone or email and we will help you make a real difference for your pet.

Contact us:


Call: 07376 213733

or read on to find the resources you need.

Photo of a corgi and a cat

In veterinary medicine, the goal is not to attempt to cure cancer with rigorous treatment protocols that take our animal patients to the edge and make them very sick. By using gentler treatment protocols and palliative care, the aim of cancer treatment in our pets is mainly one of prolonging the best quality of life for as long as possible. Slowing down the progression of cancer also provides owners with the much needed time to come to terms with the loss of their pet in the future.





photo of a Jack russell


The clinical signs of concern are more often caused by something less serious than cancer but, if it is cancer, finding it early can make a real difference. Diagnosing cancer before it has spread makes treatment more likely to be successful.

A diagnosis of cancer is something that all pet owners dread. However, there are many options out there for owners who wish to find treatment for their pets, and to find ways of managing the disease. Unlike the National Health Service (NHS) though, accurate information for pet owners is harder to find and many vets are not well equipped to treat cancer in first opinion practice. This doesn't have to be the end though, and with our resources for animal cancer support, we can help you find the care your pet needs.

Find resources and information here to learn about what to expect and where to find the best care for your pet.

Our Resources





Our aims as a charity are to:

  • Provide education and information that help owners, the veterinary profession and all who care for our pets understand more about cancer and what treatments are possible.
  • Facilitate ethical research to improve our understanding and treatment of cancer.
  • Work with partners, at home and abroad, to pursue the fight against cancer in our pets.

Our goals are to:

  • Provide animal cancer support for owners dealing with cancer in their pets throughout the whole journey
  • Equip veterinary professionals to ensure they can provide optimum support to patients and their owners through the Cancer Alert Practice (CAP) scheme

About Us







Photo of a cat and a dog using a laptop

Our new website and the Cancer Alert Practice (CAP) campaign will help us to:

  • Provide informative, independent and educational material to pet owners
  • Provide a resource for owners looking for oncology services for their pets
  • Educate and inform professionals on topics associated with cancer in pets
  • Ensure our activities are sustainable by generating sufficient income to support them

In the longer term we plan to develop our research and treatment strategy to ensure that veterinary oncology continues to deliver state of the art options for pets with cancer.





Our vision is:

A world where pet owners and vets have access to reliable information so that an early and accurate diagnosis can be made and where up to date information is available on effective cancer treatments and prognosis.

Our Mission is:

To fulfil our vision by making sure that a cancer diagnosis carries with it the possibility of living with one of the most manageable of all the chronic diseases. We carry out our mission through our aims of education, research and treatment.





Our Values determine our priorities and the way we work:

Regular communication and working in partnership with other organisations, pet owners and animal health professionals is essential in meeting our mission statement. With good teamwork we aim to communicate via social media, our website, and by face to face interactions with pet owners and animal health professionals.

We respect the feelings of pet owners and provide trustworthy information that we communicate in an honest and open way providing meaningful animal cancer support. We aim to promote ethical clinical research to ensure the information we share is accurate and up to date.

By sharing information within the pet community we can help to empower both pet owners and animal health professionals, and by sharing success stories inspire them to remain optimistic rather than assuming a cancer diagnosis equals a death sentence.

Team word cloud image




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